To make history or psychology alive I personify it ( Ana ? s Nin )
我将历史或心理人格化,使得它具体生动起来 ( 阿奈斯尼恩 )
互联网Well, museums can make history come alive.
那么, 博物馆,可以让历史活生生地再现.
互联网Half a million hippies joined together to make history.
互联网Let's help each other , as we're in the same boat now . Together, we'll make history.
让我们肝胆相照 、 同舟共济, 携手共创新的历史.
互联网Hampton continued to make history when he joined Benny Good - man's small combo in 1936.
互联网Anybody can make history; only a great man can write it.
谁都可以做出永垂史册的事情, 但惟有伟人才可以将之撰写成书.
互联网I'm going out there to make history.
口语例句It is the masses who make history.
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